Thursday, November 13, 2008

This chair is just right....

Lately we have been having a bit of an issue in our family room. We recently got a new couch which happens to be a super comfy big sectional.  Ethan has figured out that if he climbs onto the couch when we leave the room he can run from one end of the couch to another.  This is very frightening, and has resulting in more than one fall.  John and I thought that it might help to get him a chair of is own that he would feel proud to sit in. At first I was thinking that a bean bag chair would be the best choice but after my good friend Emily suggested the Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere chair I checked it out and knew it was the one. Thanks Emily! 
John, Ethan, and I went and picked out his chair last weekend and opened it up as soon as we got home. Oh my goodness...the excitement on this face when he realized that the chair was just the right size and that it MUST be for him!  He now loves sitting in his chair to watch sesame street in the morning and to have his afternoon snack.  So cute! 

1 comment:

Unknown said... cute! He looks great in his chair! I'm so glad he loves it...S & G love theirs too. I have a friend who does embroidery if you are ever interested in having Ethan's name put on the chair.