Friday, October 17, 2008

Over the river and through the woods.....

Having Ethan has led to a lot of changes in our lives, one of which is more frequent trips to Warren, ME to visit John's Grandparents.  This is one of my favorite trips to take as there is something comforting about walking into their home.  You are of course greeted with a huge hug (after Ethan gets his!) and the smell of fresh homemade rolls along with whatever is cooking in the oven for supper.  Before we had Ethan we only made this trip about once a year. Now however, we find that making the trip more often is important not only to them but to us and Ethan.  
Our last visit was at the end of July so we were not expecting Ethan to remember much about being there.  This age brings about it many stages including an uneasiness around strangers.  Although Grammy and Grampy are by no means strangers we weren't sure if he would completely remember them.  We were ecstatic when at first glance of Grammy Ethan reached his arms out to go to her.  He even remembered the "chasing" game that he played in the living room with Grampy and where the bathtub was for bath time. This visit was very special as Grammy had gone all out decorating the house for Halloween.  Strings of Jack O Lantern lights graced the bushes outside, glowing pumpkins were put in the windows, and non breakable fall decorations were put out for him to explore.  She even removed her breakable collectibles from the shelves in the living room and replaced them with trucks that Ethan could use.  He loves it there!
Our trip usually lasts at least three nights since its such a long drive, but unfortunately we were only able to make it two nights this time.  Grammy and Grampy will visit for Thanksgiving and we are counting the days.  This time with them is so important.  Seeing how much they love Ethan and how he responds to that love is very touching.  I was never able to know my great grandparents and I am so happy that my son has his in his life.   Next stop Hawaii.....soon I hope! 
Big weekend coming up! Wedding tonight, and dinner with my brother Stephen and his family tomorrow night.  On Tuesday Ethan, John, and I set off for a mini-vacation. We seem to be on the go an awful lot lately! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a special trip! I agree, it is so great that our kids get to experience having an extended family...our kids have a great-grandpa on my side, and two full sets of great-grandparents PLUS a great-great-grandma on Devon's side! Amazing. Ethan looks like he sure enjoys getting loved on by his great-grandma.